Explore Christianity

Find out more about Jesus

Exploring the Christian Faith

We run courses that explore the heart of the Christian faith for people who are keen to see for themselves who Jesus is and what his claims mean. The group watches a short film then reads and discusses some parts of the Bible. You won't be asked to pray, or read out loud if you don't want to, and you can ask any question you like.

Our next course is called '321' and is a great way to discover Jesus. Have a look at the trailer video below, or find out more about the course here. It will run on four Wednesday nights from May 15th. If you're interested, let me know on the form below.

Have a look at Beau's story. He found an exploring Christianity course really helpful in his thinking about Jesus.

I'm Josh Lewis, an assistant minister at Wahroonga Anglican. I look after (and sometimes run!) our exploring Christianity courses. Please let me know if you're interested in finding out more!