We would love to welcome you to our 10:30 am gathering at Water Street! We are people of all different ages, from around Wahroonga and the surrounding suburbs, who relish the chance to gather and to be encouraged by each other and God’s word on Sundays. Our 9:30 and 10:30 gatherings mirror each other, as do the kids and youth programs that run parallel.
When you arrive, you’ll be met at the door by some friendly welcomers who’ll write you a nametag and help you find a seat. We begin with everyone gathering together in the St Andrew’s church building - with kids, youth and pre-schoolers, too. We sing a couple of songs, accompanied by the band, and usually hear what we call a ‘family spot’ - a teaching slot aimed to be accessible to all the church family. After some time together, the kids and youth head across to the hall for their programs - Play Church (for 0-5 year olds), Kids Church (for years K-5), Vine Church (for years 6-9), - while the adults sing, pray, read the Bible, and hear a sermon from the series we’re doing across Wahroonga Anglican Church. The service runs for just over an hour, after which we love catching up, discussing what we’ve heard, and encouraging one another as we have morning tea.
Many of us also meet during the week in small groups formed out of people from the 9:30 gathering.

I’m Gavin Parsons, the pastor of the 10:30 gathering, and I’d love to welcome you on a Sunday, or answer any questions you might have. Please get in touch!